A Canadian who has brought Canada and Germany into closer relations (1 p.)
An untitled image of the Wigwam Inn (1 p.)
German spy’s meteoric career (3 p.)

The Fred Braches fonds consists of records and photographs created and collected by Fred Braches in the process of researching the Muench family, who had lived in both Maple Ridge and Langley. The records include vital statistics and pertain to the family’s history. Record types include: correspondence, vital records, original family photographs, photographs from cemeteries, research notes, photocopies of newspaper articles, multiple drafts of the article to appear in “Whonnock Notes”, and copies of the final publication.
The fonds are arranged into the following series: Correspondence (1990-2002); Research (1990-2002); Photographs (2000-2002).

The fonds consists of letters dealing with provisions

The fonds consists of records documenting Friedmann’s interests and activities both on and off the University of Victoria campus. Fonds includes reports, correspondence, minutes of meetings, etc.

For example German-Russians experience in Russia and then going to Canada.
German painter in Canada talking about his background from Hamburg
Immigrants from Austria and Germany

4339:158 CBC “Our Native Land”
4339:243.1-2 Ida discussing First Nation music in German
F-58-2 Ida Halpern records: Reisepass (Stempel der Einreise nach Kanada); Death Certificate; Postkarten (an Familie, manchmal in Englisch, Postkarten z.B. aus Victoria, etc.); Letters (Ueber wie hart es ist Fuss zu fassen, Menschen in Vancouver sind konservativer, etc.)
F-58-6 Memorabilia and audio-visual material: in Canada (National Park: bear looking into open car window, in front of First Nation artifact, alles in den ersten Jahren der Ankunft in Vancouver, BC; Records state that some undeveloped film depicts the original trip to Canada (pictures of a Ida & George on an ocean liner)
F-58-4 Fanny Halpern records: Briefe an ihre Mutter ueber Vancouver und BC (z.B. Banff, etc.)
F-58-1 George Halpern records: Certificate of Naturalization
F-58-6-3-0-0-4 Sound Recordings
“342 sound recordings (83 sound disks; 166 audio reels, 92 audio cassettes)
16.8 m. textual material
7 vhs cassettes
1 film
735 photographs ”

Papers of J.S. Helmcken and members of his family, including correspondence, 1848-1920, account books, 1871-1903, deeds, contracts, certificates, 1825-1890, medical notebooks, case books and account books, 1845-1890…

Item AAAB4929 – Hilda Reschke interview
TRACK 1 (on each of three tapes): Early history of family origins; impressions on first arrival in Hudson’s Hope; gold mining methods; experiences of the Reschke family.

Speaker: Alice [pseudonym]. Interviewer: Carolyn M. Farr

Item AAAB0990 – Edward Feuz interview : [Orchard, 1964]
Edward Feuz describes the CPR’s Swiss guides in the Rockies: his father came out to the Rockies from Interlaken Switzerland in1899 as a mountain guide for the CPR
Item AAAB3611 – People in landscape : Swiss guide
Edward Feuz interview on a radio feature
Item AAAB2690 – People in landscape : Journeys of a German Immigrant
German Ernest Lang story about being in BC during World War I. “People in Landscape” was a series about people and places in British Columbia history, based on oral history interviews by Imbert Orchard. The series aired from 1968 to 1972
Item AAAB0352 – Ernest Lang interview
Mr. Ernest “Ernie” Fredrick Lang talks about the Keithley Creek area, and recalls his experiences as a German immigrant before World War I.
Item AAAB0464 – Sophia Steffens interview
Miss Sophia Steffens discusses how her father came from Germany to England and then to Canada, and landed in BC in 1884. Sophia and her mother came in 1887 to settle at Ashcroft.
Item AAAB0832 – Paul Pfister interview
Paul Pfister was a Swiss immigrant who immigrated when he was 18 in 1899. He wanted to be a farmer because an uncle persuaded to come with him to Canada. First he stayed in Port Angeles for five years and eventually found work on Sea Island.
Item AAAB0723 – Joseph Wendle interview
Mr. Joseph Wendle describes how he came to the Cariboo in 1895. He worked for the Cariboo Gold Fields Company and his own claims. During the interview he tells a story hunting a grizzly bear.
Item AAAB1072 – Henry Hess interview
Mr. Henry Hess discusses his home in Switzerland, and his subsequent arrival in Saskatchewan to farm in 1923. He then discusses his arrival in BC in 1941.

Item AAAB0175 – Hedwig D.H. Bartling interview
“Complete transcript on file. Reference cassette copy available in container 000443-013”

Item AAAB2285 – Murray Dobrilla interview
Murray Dobrilla was born in Austria in 1908, left there at age 3 with parents. Came to Vancouver and then Ladner for school

“1960 – 1993 13 cm of textual records”

Letters, legal papers, mechanical drawings, photographs. Many letters are in German. Includes material relating to Canadian Jewish Congress.

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Art Gallery in the process of carrying out is functions.

The fonds reflects Siebner’s intellectual and philosophical interests and ideas on art and life; his interactions with galleries, friends, family and patrons; travels; involvement in the Limners; pre-publication work for his monographs and other books; promotion and sale of art; and public art commissions.
The fonds consists of personal writing and poetry, correspondence, sales lists, inventories, exhibition announcements, sketches, clippings, photographs, film and video, prints and drawings.
Fonds has been arranged in six series: Art Practice, Photographs, Audio video, Works on paper, Biographical, Limners”

Item AAAB5082 – Steve Prydatok interview
Mr. Prydatok came to Canada from Austria at the age of 16. He first worked in the coal mines near Nanaimo, before moving to the Cariboo, where he homesteaded near Green Lake.
Item AAAB5116 – Klaus Scheer interview
Mr. Scheer came to Canada and worked as a labourer as he learned to speak English. He worked at the Trail smelter for many years, and was also secretary for the Grand Forks Hospital.
Item AAAB5079 – Oscar Netzell interview
Mr. Netzell tells of his father and mother coming to Bella Coola in 1915. Oscar went to school in Hagensborg, and also did road work and cannery work as a boy. He became a road foreman, as well as working …

The fonds consists of correspondence; manuscripts of plays, short stories, novels and poetry; newspaper articles; essays in German and English; plus photographs and negatives.

Newspaper articles about Ziegler
Letters of friends from Vienna, Austria
Newspaper clippings he collected that are about him and his family and the chocolate shop they owned
Documents of Prisoner of War time in Kananaskis internment camp in Seebe, Alta. (includes Menus for christmas; daily schedules; greeting cards)
Birthday cards from his mother; Canadian pacific telegraphs
Birthday wishes in two books with pictures of Fritz Ziegler; edited by friends
Photo albums collecting photographs of parties, etc. celebration of German invitation, German-Canadian social life documents
Death certificate; notes by his wife
Customized notebook of the chocolate shop
Letter to S.K.H. Prinz Louis Ferdinand von Preussen in which he writes: “Ich bin ein Preusse der hier in Vancouver seit 1911 lebt und bin noch immer Hohenzollerntreu”
Digitized and physical photographs”

the Kanada Kurier, dated 30, September 1999. The article, written in German, is entitled “Denkmalschutz und Ehrengrab: Dr. F. Eckhardts Familien-grabmal in Berlin,” which detailed the pre-immigration life of the Eckhardt-Grammate family of Winnipeg and their familial gravesite in Germany.