Nonfictional Literature
This section includes nonfictional literature in regards of German speaking immigrants to Western Canada. For example, the publication “The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War” by Hans Werner, which is about an ethnic German family, who emigrated from Russia to Steinbach, Manitoba after the Second World War. Written by the son, it tells the life story of his parents from their stories told to him while growing up. “Letters From A Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933” by the Swiss-Canadian mountaineer Conrad Kain include 144 letters to Amelie Malek–a life-long friend. The letters provide a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to Canada in the early part of the twentieth century.



Briefe über West-Canada : ein Wegweiser für Auswanderer
Jakob Teuscher
Western Canada

Teuscher, J. (1854). Briefe über West-Canada: Das Runner-Unwesen und die deutsche Gesellschaft in New-York, nebst einem Anhange [übe]r die östlichen Townships in Unter Canada und die Passage-Bureaus in Europa und Amerika : Ein Wegweiser für Auswanderer. Preston [Ont.];Basel [Switzerland];: A.A. Erb.


Jakob Teuscher writes in letters to the reader and gives advice to Germans, how to immigrate to Canada. The author claims to be the first publication about immigration help to Canada for Germans.





Bruederfeld and Bruederheim : Moravian settlements of German Russians in Alberta, Canada : extracts from the report of an official visitation, November 4 to December 3, 1895
Morris W. Leibert

Leibert, M. W., & Canadian Libraries. (1896). Bruederfeld and Bruederheim: Moravian settlements of German Russians in Alberta, Canada : Extracts from the report of an official visitation, November 4 to December 3, 1895 Bethlehem, Pa. : Moravian Publication Concern.


Filmed from a copy of the original publication held by the University of Regina.





Das westliche Nordamerika zwischen dem 42. und 55. Breitengrade, von Dr. Karl Friesach. Mit einer Karte.

Karl Friesach
Western Canada

Friesach, K. (1865). Das westliche Nordamerika zwischen dem 42. und 55. Breitengrade, von Dr. Karl Friesach. Mit einer Karte


It includes a travelogue, geographical facts about Western Canada and the West coast of the US (including several accounts of Vancouver Island and British Columbia itself).





Einwanderung nach Manitoba : Bericht des Regierungs-Landmessers W. Wagner an die deutsche Gesellschaft zu Montreal
William Wagner

Wagner, W. (1872). Einwanderung nach Manitoba: Bericht des Regierungs-Landmessers W. Wagner and die deutsche Gesellschaft zu Montreal? : s.n.


The report describes travel experiences from Montreal to Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba. It is a thorough description of the province, written in old German and is written as a guide for German immigrants.





German-Canadian cook book = Deutsch-Canadisches Kochbuch : in deutscher und englischer Sprache

Western Canada

Unknown (1900). German-Canadian cook book = Deutsch-Canadisches Kochbuch : in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Regina, Sask. : Western Printers.



LINKS: University of Regina Library



Mittheilungen über Manitoba und das Nordwest Territorium (Nordamerika)


Unknown (1885). Mittheilungen über Manitoba und das Nordwest Territorium (Nordamerika) : für Capitalisten, Landwirthe, Handwerker, gewöhnliche Arbeiter, Dienstboten, etc. Liverpool : Turner & Dunnett.



LINKS: Early Canadiana Online



On Canada’s frontier : sketches of history, sport, and adventure and of the Indians, missionaries, fur-traders, and newer settlers of Western Canada
Julian Ralph
Western Canada

Ralph, Julian (1892). On Canada’s frontier : sketches of history, sport, and adventure and of the Indians, missionaries, fur-traders, and newer settlers of Western Canada. London : J.R. Osgood.


Content includes for example information about Dr. Rudolph Mayer from Berlin, Germany who is living in Manitoba.


LINKS: Early Canadiana Online



S. W. Silver & Co.’s handbook to Canada. A guide for travellers and settlers in the provinces of Ontario, North-West Territory, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, &c. &c. With new map, showing the railway system &c.

Western Canada

Canadian Libraries. (1881). S. W. Silver & co.’s handbook to Canada: A guide for travelers and settlers in the provinces of Ontario, North-West territory, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, &c., &c., with new map, showing the rail London : S.W. Silver.


Facts on German population in 1884 and about being a traveler and immigrant in Canada.





The British Columbia directory for the years 1882-83, embracing a business and general directory of the province, dominion and provincial official lists, reliable information about the country. With an appendix.
Robert Taylor Williams
British Columbia

Anderson, A. C. (1882). British Columbia directory for the years 1882-83: Embracing a business and general directory of the province, dominion and provincial official lists, reliable information about the country; with an appendix by Alexander Caulfield Anderson Victoria, B.C. : R.T. Williams.


Includes German advertisement.





The Swiss and the Piedmontese on Red River
George Bryce

Bryce, G., & Canadian Libraries. (1892). Swiss and the Piedmontese on Red River. Winnipeg? : s.n.



LINKS: BC Archives | UBC


14 Jahre unter Engländern: ein Auswandererschicksal in Kanada
Karl Karger
Western Canada

Karger, Karl (1926). 14 Jahre unter Engländern: ein Auswandererschicksal in Kanada. Breslau, Germany: The Author.


Karger worked as a farm hand at Morden and Morris, Manitoba, and as a teacher at Friedensthal, near Emerson, before moving to Ontario. While virulently anti-Canadian as well as English and American, and not overly accurate, it is interesting for its information about the ethnic make-up of the population in the West.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



A journey to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1839, by F. A. Wislizenus, M. D. Tr. from the German, with a sketch of the author’s life, by Frederick A. Wislizenus
F. A. Wislizenus
Western Canada

Wislizenus, F. A. (1912). A journey to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1839 Missouri historical society.


Author mainly traveled the US but some sections relate to Western Canada.





Announcing the Opening of the Vancouver Alpen Club Hall, October 19th to 22nd Inclusive
Vancouver Alpen Club
British Columbia

Vancouver Alpen Club (1950). Announcing the Opening of the Vancouver Alpen Club Hall, October 19th to 22nd Inclusive. Vancouver : Vancouver Alpen Club Hall.


Advertisement and acknowledgement of German shops and business people in British Columbia.


LINKS: Vancouver Public Library



Auf Urwild in Kanada : Berichte, Beobachtungen u. Gedanken einer glücklichen Fahrt
Lutz Heck
Western Canada

Heck, Lutz (1937). Auf Urwild in Kanada : Berichte, Beobachtungen u. Gedanken einer glücklichen Fahrt. Berlin : Parey.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Auf wilden Pfaden im Neuen Kanada : Erlebnisse unter Farmern, Trappern, Vagabunden u. Verbrechern d. kanad. Westens
Armin O. Huber
Western Canada

Huber, Armin Otto (1937). Auf wilden Pfaden im Neuen Kanada : Erlebnisse unter Farmern, Trappern, Vagabunden u. Verbrechern d. kanad. Westens. Berlin : Globus Verl. .



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Aus meinem Leben : Erinnerungen
Jacob H. Janzen
Western Canada

Janzen, Jacob H. (1929). Aus meinem Leben : Erinnerungen. Rosthern, Sask. : Der Bote.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Bilder und Blätter zum Silbernen Jubiläum der St. Joseph’s Kolonie : gesammelt von den Patres Oblaten in der Kolonie
Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Western Canada

Oblates of Mary Immaculate. (1930). Bilder und Blätter zum silbernen Jubiläum der St. Joseph’s Kolonie. Prince Albert, Sask.


Pictures and sheets to the silver anniversary of the St. Joseph`s colony. Collected by the patres oblates in the colony. Description of the founding process and status of the villages considered the St. Joseph`s colony.





Blatterstimmen uber die von der Canadian Pacific Railway Company errichtete neue Dampfschiffahrtslinie von Triest nach Kanada
Canadian Pacific
Western Canada

Canadian Pacific (1913). Blatterstimmen uber die von der Canadian Pacific Railway Company errichtete neue Dampfschiffahrtslinie von Triest nach Kanada. Canadian Pacific Steamships; Ocean travel.


Information in German about the steamship lines to Canada.





Dee easchte Wiehnachten enn Kanada enn aundre Jeschijchten
Gerhard Ens
Western Canada

Ens, Gerhard (1922). Dee easchte Wiehnachten enn Kanada enn aundre Jeschijchten. Edmonton : RTP Archive Press.



LINKS: University of Manitoba Library



Der Nordwestern-Kalendar

Western Canada

Unknown (1938). Der Nordwestern-Kalendar. National Publishers Limited, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


German calendar for the year 1938. It includes travel guides to Germany, stories, measurements & advertisements.


LINKS: University of Calgary Library



Die Schweizerkolonie in Kanada
Paul Hübscher
Western Canada

Hübscher, Paul (1923). Die Schweizerkolonie in Kanada. Montreal : [s. n.].



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Einwanderung in Kanada nach dem Kriege
Gerda Neufeld
Western Canada

Neufeld, Gerda (1931). Einwanderung in Kanada nach dem Kriege. Berlin.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Erlebnisse eines Schweizers in Kanada
Jakob Stricker
Western Canada

Stricker, Jakob (1935). Erlebnisse eines Schweizers in Kanada: mit 24 Bildern. Zürich, Switzerland: Orell Füssli.


The author talks in Chapter 10 & 14 about his work in Vancouver, BC. For example Saegereiarbeiten bei Vancouver or als Kellner in Vancouver. Also, Stricker is writing about his experiences in Alberta.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



Facts about the Germans in Canada
Gotthard L. Maron
Western Canada

Maron, Gotthard L. (1931). Facts about the Germans in Canada. Winnipeg: Der Nordwesten.


Historical data and an introduction to Germans in Canada. Includes information on German settlements in all four Western provinces of Canada.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



Group settlement : ethnic communities in Western Canada
Carl Addington Dawson
Western Canada

Dawson, C. A. (1936). Group settlement: Ethnic communities in Western Canada. Toronto: Macmillan at St. Martin’s House.


Maps provide a interesting visualization of German settlements in Western Canada in 1929. A chapter is specifically talking about the Mennonites & German Catholics.





Homesteading for God : the story of the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in Alberta and British Columbia, 1894-1946
John E. Herzer
Western Canada

Herzer, John E. (1946). Homesteading for God: The story of the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in Alberta and British Columbia, 1894-1946. Edmonton: Commercial Printers.


On cover: “A narrative history of Lutheran mission work in Alberta and British Columbia, 1894-1946.” Chapters are arranged chronologically. Includes biographies of missionaries and list of all pastors and teachers in the region to 1946.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



In der Prärie Nordamerikas
Carl Christoph Strecker
Western Canada

Strecker, Carl Christoph (1908). In der Prärie Nordamerikas. Fulda, Germany: Verlag der Fuldär Actiendruckerei.


Canada is being described as the new America in the 20th century. The book is written with a religious connotation as it includes the part played by missionaries. Including historical sketch of Western Canada.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



Jagdfahrten in Kanada und Alaska
Hans v. Bergen
Western Canada

Bergen, Hans v. (1928). Jagdfahrten in Kanada und Alaska. Neudamm, J. Neumann.


Mit 71 Tafelabbildungen und 3 Karten.


LINKS: McGill University Library



Kanada und die Deutschen
Alwin Oppel
Western Canada

Oppel, A. (1916). Kanada und die Deutschen. Dresden: Heimat und Welt-Verlag.


Alwin Oppel beschreibt das Land Kanada als Ganzes. Er geht sowohl auf die Entfernungen und Zeitunterschiede, Maße und Gewichte ein, wie auch auf die Lage, Natur, Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft, Industrie, Handel, Politik, die einzelnen Regionen, etc.





Kanada wirklich erlebt : Neun Jahre als Trapper u. Jäger
Max Hinsche
Western Canada

Hinsche, Max (1938). Kanada wirklich erlebt. Neun Jahre als Trapper u. Jäger. Neudamm ; Berlin : Neumann .



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Leaves from the life of a pioneer. With editorial notes
Emil Julius Meilike
Western Canada

Meilicke, E. J. (1948). Leaves from the life of a pioneer. Vancouver: Wrigley Printing Co.


Author was born 1852 in Warte, Germany and emigrated first to Minnesota and then to Dundurn, Saskatchewan. Later he moved to Vancouver, BC.


LINKS: UBC | Peel’s Prairie Provinces



Pioneering in Western Canada: a story of the Baptists
Colin Campbell McLaurin
Western Canada

McLaurin, Colin Campbell (1939). Pioneering in Western Canada: A story of the Baptists. Calgary: The Author.


Thorough historical description of the beginnings of German baptism in Western Canada. Please see Chapter 16: German Baptists in Western Canada.


LINKS: Peel’s Prairie Provinces



Prärieadler : Eine neue Lederstrumpf-Erz. aus Kanada
Richard Krumbholz
Western Canada

Krumbholz, Richard (1942). Prärieadler. Eine neue Lederstrumpf-Erz. aus Kanada. Leipzig : Wehnert.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Zersplitterung oder Verbindung? : Bilder aus dem Leben der Deutschen in Canada und Wolhynien
Ernst Althausen
Western Canada

Althausen, Ernst (1922). Zersplitterung oder Verbindung?: Bilder aus dem Leben der Deutschen in Canada und Wolhynien. Der Reinertrag ist zum Besten der Flüchtlinge aus Russland bestimmt. Berlin, Germany: Fürsorge-Verein für Deutsche Auswanderer.


The author was a priest and traveled through Western Canada to visit German immigrants. Interesting perspective on German immigrants by a visitor from Germany. Written at a time when many German colonists in Russia were attempting to leave that country, and were looking to Western Canada as a place to settle.


LINKS: Peel`s Prairie Provinces



Zur Geschichte des Deutschtums in Kanada
Heinz Lehmann
Western Canada

Lehmann, Ernst (1931). Zur Geschichte des Deutschtums in Kanada. Stuttgart : Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft.



LINKS: University of Victoria Library


A history of the German-Canadians in British Columbia
Bruce Ramsey
British Columbia

Ramsey, B., Vancouver Alpen Club (1958). A history of the German-Canadians in British Columbia. Winnipeg, Man: National Publishers.


Very comprehensive depiction of the pioneer days in British Columbia. With several examples of famous Germans who lived in the Vancouver area.





A very ordinary life
Rolf Knight
British Columbia

Knight, P., & Knight, R. (1974). A very ordinary life. Vancouver, B.C: New Star Books.


The life history of a German woman born in a working class district of Berlin 1901 who later emigrated to British Columbia. The book is written by her son in first person and in her words. For example p.146 “I thought, it was at this time, living on the Bridge River, that Canada really first struck me as a strange land.”





Aus der alten in die neue Heimat : Lebensgeschichte eines schlichten Mennoniten
Martin Hamm
Western Canada

Hamm, Martin (1971).Aus der alten in die neue Heimat. Lebensgeschichte eines schlichten Mennoniten. Christian Press.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Canada, deine neue Heimat : ein Handbuch fuer Neueinwanderer und Deutsch-Canadier
Hans Pazulla
Western Canada

Pazulla, H. (1951). Canada, deine neue Heimat. Ein Handbuch fuer Neueinwanderer und Deutsch-Canadier. Steinbach, Man: Druck von Derksen Printers.






Die deutsche Auswanderung nach Kanada
Hans-Jürgen Labudde
Western Canada

Labudde, Hans-Jürgen (1952). Die deutsche Auswanderung nach Kanada. Hamburg.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Dietrich Heinrich Epp; aus seinem Leben, Wirken und selbstaufgezeichneten Erinnerungen
Abram Berg
Western Canada

Berg, Abram (1973). Dietrich Heinrich Epp. Aus seinem Leben, Wirken und selbstaufgezeichneten Erinnerungen. Druck und Verlag Heese House of Printing.



LINKS: University of Alberta Libraries



German immigration into Canada
Wolfgang Gaston Friedmann
Western Canada

Friedmann, W. (1952). German immigration into Canada. Toronto: Ryerson Press.


The publication is focusing on the post WW II immigration movement to Canada. For example Chapter 8: State of Mind of the German Immigrant.





Germanic heritage : English, Low German, German : Canadian lyrics in three languages
Jakob Warkentin Goerzen
Western Canada

Goerzen, W. J. (1967). Germanic heritage. English, Low German, German. Canadian lyrics in three languages. Edmonton, Alta. : Goerzen.



LINKS: University of Regina Library



Handbuch für Neuankömmlinge

Western Canada

Unknown (1955). Handbuch für Neuankömmlinge. Ottawa (Kanada) : Ministerium f. Staatsbürgerschaft u. Einwanderung.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



History of the Swiss in British Columbia
Bruce Ramsay
British Columbia

Ramsay, B. (1960). History of the Swiss in British Columbia. Vancouver: Swiss Society of Vancouver.


Quick introduction pamphlet of Swiss emigrants in BC. Detailed information on Swiss mountaineers, alpine themed town Smithers, BC (Bulkley Valley). Published by the Swiss Society of Vancouver.





Kanada : Land von morgen?
Bernd Lohse
Western Canada

Lohse, B. (1957). Kanada, Land von morgen? (2 revid. aufl. ed.). Frankfurt am Main: Umschau.


Travelog of Western Canada. Though it is not written by an immigrant, it depicts very well the perspective of the German visiting Western Canada. For example, all cities (Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton) seem similar to him and he writes about the feeling of having been there already.





Memories of My Life: Recalled for My Family
Cornelius A. DeFehr

DeFehr, Cornelius A. (1976). Memories of My Life. Recalled for My Family. Winnipeg, Man. : Christian Press.


The author established an import business in Winnipeg which became a prosperous family enterprise with branches in Edmonton, Regina, and Saskatoon. He was born in Einlage, Chortitza Mennonite Settlement, South Russia on 6th, October 1881.


LINKS: Toronto Public Library



Niederdeutsch : Molotschna- und Chortitzamennoniten in British Columbia/Kanada
Wolfgang Wilfried Moelleken
British Columbia

Moelleken, Wolfgang W. (1972). Niederdeutsch. Molotschna- und Chortitzamennoniten in British Columbia/Kanada. Tübingen : M. Niemeyer.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



One of many
Reuben Alexander Bauer
Western Canada

Alexander, Reuben (1965). One of many. Edmonton, Alta. : Impr. La Survivance.



LINKS: Toronto Public Library



Strangers entertained; a history of the ethnic groups of British Columbia
John Mackenzie Norris
British Columbia

Norris, J. M. (1971). Strangers entertained. A history of the ethnic groups of British Columbia. Vancouver: British Columbia Centennial ’71 Committee.


Chapter 6: The Germans (p. 98) / Chapter 7: The Austrians and Swiss (p. 107) / Chapter 19: The Mennonites (p. 185).





The possibilities of Canada are truly great : memoirs, 1906-1924
Martin Nordegg
Western Canada

Nordegg, M. (1971). The possibilities of Canada are truly great. Memoirs, 1906-1924. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada.


The author was born in Silesia, Germany in 1868 and emigrated to Canada in May 1906. In the publication he describes traveling to Edmonton, Calgary, Banff. Nordegg left Canada for the US when the First World War broke out and returned afterwards.





The Reminiscences of Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken
Dorothy Blakey-Smith & John Sebastian Helmcken
British Columbia

Helmcken, J. S., Smith, D. B (1975). The reminiscences of doctor John Sebastian Helmcken. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, in co-operation with the Provincial Archives of British Columbia.


John Sebastian Helmcken was born in London, England as the son of ethnically-German parents Claus Helmcken and Catherine Mittler, who raised him German. He came to British Columbia in the 1950`s and lived in Vancouver and Victoria (autobiographical).





The Ribbentrop memoirs; introd. by Alan Bullock.[Translated by Oliver Watson from the German Zwischen London und Moskau]
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Western Canada

Ribbentrop, J. v. (1954). The Ribbentrop memoirs. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.


Memoirs of Joachim von Ribbentrop. It includes his experiences as a student being for several months in Canada. He stayed mostly in Ottawa but also made trips to Manitoba and Vancouver, BC. For example p. 9-12 which is about his experience in Canada and short paragraph on his time in Manitoba working for a lumber company (autobiographical).





The swastika and the maple leaf : fascist movements in Canada in the thirties
Lita-Rose Betcherman
Western Canada

Betcherman, L. (1975). The swastika and the maple leaf: Fascist movements in Canada in the thirties. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.


Lita-Rose Betcherman analyzes the origins of totalitarianism and how it became a powerful trend in European countries and even Canada in the 1930s. One chapter is talking specifically about fascism in Western Canada.





Trails northwest : a history of the district of Barrhead, Alberta
Barrhead and District Historical Society 1967

Trails northwest: A history of the district of Barrhead, Alberta (1967). Barrhead, Alta.: Barrhead and District Historical Society.


The publication includes numerous stories of Germans from Barrhead, Alberta as the community has a large German-Canadian population.




100 Jahre : deutsche Vereinigung von Winnipeg in Wort und Bild
Deutschen Vereinigung von Winnipeg

Deutschen Vereinigung von Winnipeg (1992). 100 Jahre. Deutsche Vereinigung von Winnipeg in Wort und Bild. Winnipeg : publisher not identified.


1892-1992, 100 years : German Society of Winnipeg centennial book


LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



A Chorus of Different Voices: German-Canadian Identities
Angelika E. Sauer
Western Canada

Sauer, E. Angelika (1998). A Chorus of Different Voices. German-Canadian Identities. P. Lang.


German-Canadians are generally considered well assimilated, and inconspicuous, their presence in Canada going virtually unnoticed. Scholars over the past decades have struggled to explain this relative invisibility, taking the existence of a German-Canadian ethnic group with a distinct culture for granted. The contributors question this assumption and take a fresh look at definitions of German Canadians and the processes of identity formation. A Chorus of Different Voices represents a kaleidoscopic image of German-Canadian identities, past and present.


LINKS: University of the Fraser Valley Library



A History of the Austrian migration to Canada
Edited by Frederick C. Engelmann, Manfred Prokop and Franz A.J. Szabo
Western Canada

Engelmann, F. C., Prokop, M., & Szabo, F. A. J. (1996). A history of the Austrian migration to Canada. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.


Introduction: Reflections on the Austrian Identity in the Old World and the New / Franz A. J. Szabo
I. Growth of Austro-Canadian Relations to 1968 / Robert H. Keyserlingk and Bettina S. Steinhauser
II. Austrian Immigration to Canada in the Imperial Period / Michaela C. Schober
III. Austrian Immigration to Canada between the World Wars / Michaela C. Schober
IV. Austrian Refugees of World War II / Anna Maria Pichler and Gabrielle Tyrnauer
V. Post-War Austrian Immigration to Canada / Bettina S. Steinhauser
VI. Sociological Profile of Austrian-Canadians / Peter Suschnigg
VII. Achievements and Contributions of Austrian-Canadians / Frederick C. Engelmann and Manfred Prokop.


LINKS: UBC Library



A sackful of Plautdietsch : a collection of Mennonite Low German stories and poems
Al Reimer, Anne Reimer & Jack Thiessen
Western Canada

Reimer, A., Reimer, A., & Thiessen, J. (1983). A sackful of Plautdietsch: A collection of Mennonite low German stories and poems. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press.


Plautdietsch is the colloquial language of many Mennonites in Canada and other Mennonites living in South America and some other parts of the world. It is a language rapidly disappearing in most communities but it is preserved here in sketches, stories, and poems that show the language used as a literary vehicle. A Sackful of Plautdietsch contains a newly devised orthography which will help present-day authors who wish to write in Plautdietsch.


LINKS: UBC Library



A Socio-economic history of German-Canadians: they, too, founded Canada : a research report
Rudolf A. Helling
Western Canada

Helling, R. A., & Hamm, B. (1984). A socio-economic history of German-Canadians: They, too, founded Canada : A research report. Wiesbaden: Steiner.



LINKS: UBC Library



A splendid harvest : Germanic folk and decorative arts in Canada
Michael S. Bird & Terry Kobayashi
Western Canada

Bird, M. S., & Kobayashi, T. (1981). A splendid harvest: Germanic folk and decorative arts in Canada. Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold.


Examples of art on furniture, quilts, books, tapestry, toys, dishes, fabric etc.


LINKS: UBC Library



Adler auf dem Ahornbaum : Studien zur Einwanderung, Siedlung, Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte der Deutschen in Kanada
Hartmut Froeschle
Western Canada

Fröschle, Hartmut (1997). Adler auf dem Ahornbaum. Studien zur Einwanderung, Siedlung, Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte der Deutschen in Kanada. Toronto : German-Canadian Historical Association.


Text mainly in German with pref. in German and English, and 3 articles in English.


LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Als Jagdführer in Kanada
Heinz K. Weigelt
Western Canada

Weigelt, Heinz K. (1988). Als Jagdführer in Kanada. Melsungen : Neumann-Neudamm.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Anna : from the Caucasus to Canada
Anna Reimer Dyck
Western Canada

Dyck, A. R., & Klassen, P. J. (1979). Anna: From the Caucasus to Canada. Hillsboro, Kan: Mennonite Brethren Pub. House.


Autobiography of Mennonite (German-Russian) Anna Reimer Dyck who immigrated from Russia to Manitoba. Please see p. 142 Together Again!: Canada experience from Gnadenthal & Niverville, Manitoba. Also, it includes self written poems.


LINKS: UBC Library



Archival sources for the study of German language groups in Canada
National Archives of Canada
Western Canada

Grenke, A., & National Archives of Canada. (1989). Archival sources for the study of German language groups in Canada. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada.



LINKS: UBC Library



Arm in arm with life : an autobiography
Gunter Light
Western Canada

Light, G. (1988). Arm in arm with life: An autobiography. Vancouver: G. Light.


The author immigrated from Germany in 1927 with a friend to Manitoba, Alberta and settled in the Peace River district. Later, he lived in Northern Alberta and in Vancouver, BC. Also, the author was a translator for the Olympics 1936 in Berlin, Germany.


LINKS: UBC Library



Austrian immigration to Canada : selected essays
Edited by Franz A. J. Szabo
Western Canada

Szabo, F. (1996). Austrian immigration to Canada: Selected essays. Montreal; Palo Alto;: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Please see VIII. History of the Egger Family of Immigrants to Canada / Thomas Samhaber Egger. The family lived in Humboldt, Saskatchewan and traveled through BC and Alberta via the CPR (including excerpts of letters).

Other articles such as: I. German-Speaking Immigrants of many Backgrounds and the 1990s Canadian Identity / Dirk Hoerder
II. Demographic Patterns of Austrian-Canadians, 1900-1991 / Gertrud Neuwirth and John de Vries
III. Push and Pull Factors for Overseas Migrants from Austria-Hungary in the 19th and 20th Centuries / Michael John
IV. Austrians Abroad: Austrian Emigration after 1945 / Traude Horvath and Gerda Neyer.


LINKS: UBC Library



Auswanderungen aus Österreich : von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart : mit einer umfassenden Bibliographie zur österreischischen Migrationsgeschichte
Traude Horvath & Gerda Neyer
Western Canada

Horvath, T., & Neyer, G. (1996). Auswanderungen aus Österreich: Von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart : Mit einer umfassenden Bibliographie zur österreischischen Migrationsgeschichte. Wien: Böhlau.


Please see “Das Land der grossen Erwartungen oder Umsteigebahnhof in die USA? – Das Einwanderungsland Kanada” by Monika Pelz (p. 569).


LINKS: UBC Library



Bericht aus Vancouver 1983
Walter Müller-Römheld
Western Canada

Müller-Römheld, Walter (1983). Bericht aus Vancouver 1983. Frankfurt am Main : Lembeck



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Between two worlds : the Canadian immigration experience
Milly Charon
Western Canada

Charon, M. (1983). Between two worlds: The Canadian immigration experience. Toronto: Quadrant Editions.


Various stories of immigrants. For example Chapter 8: Two Worlds: German immigrant Herman Brecht.


LINKS: UBC Library



Brothers Beyond the Sea: National Socialism in Canada
J. Wagner
Western Canada

Wagner, J. F. (1981). Brothers beyond the sea: National socialism in Canada. Waterloo, Ont., Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


Pro national-socialism movement in Canada within its German community. Mostly happened in urban East Canada but sporadically in Western Canada too. Deutscher Bund, etc.


LINKS: UBC Library



Canadian families : ethnic variations
Karigoudar Ishwaran
Western Canada

Ishwaran, K. (1980). Canadian families: Ethnic variations. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.


Please see Chapter 9: The Mennonite Family: Cultural and Kin in Rural Saskatchewan / Alan Anderson & Leo Driedger.


LINKS: UBC Library



Creating societies : immigrant lives in Canada
Dirk Hoerder
Western Canada

Hoerder, D. (1999). Creating societies: Immigrant lives in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Chapters split up into territories. Please see Chapter 5: The Rockies and the pacific coast. It includes many examples of German immigrants to the prairies and British Columbia.


LINKS: UBC Library



Deutsch als Muttersprache in Kanada : Berichte zur Gegenwartslage

Western Canada

Deutsch als Muttersprache in Kanada: Berichte zur Gegenwartslage (1977). (1. Aufl. ed.). Wiesbaden: Steiner.


It includes: Demographische Grundtatsachen, Der sprachenrechtliche Rahmen, Die deutsche Schriftsprache bei den Amischen, Religionsstatistik der Deutschstämmigen, Deutsche katholische Kirchengemeinden, Ein paar Worte über das Jiddische in Kanada, Zahlen zur Einwanderung nach Kanada.


LINKS: UBC Library



Deutsche im Ausland, Fremde in Deutschland : Migration in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Klaus J. Bade
Western Canada

Bade, K. J. (1992). Deutsche im Ausland, Fremde in Deutschland: Migration in Geschichte und Gegenwart. München: C.H. Beck.


Please see see Chapter 2.2 Deutsche in Kanada by Udo Sautter


LINKS: UBC Library



Deutsche in Kanada : Einwanderung und Adaption [sic] : mit einer Untersuchung zur Situation der Nachkriegsimmigration in Edmonton, Alberta
Andrea Koch-Kraft

Koch-Kraft, Andrea (1990). Deutsche in Kanada. Einwanderung und Adaption. Mit einer Untersuchung zur Situation der Nachkriegsimmigration in Edmonton, Alberta. Bochum : N. Brockmeyer.


Originally presented as the author’s thesis (doctoral). Philipps-Universität Marburg.


LINKS: University of the Fraser Valley Library



Ein deutsches Schicksal in Kanada : Einwanderung – Internierung – Ringen um Rehabilitierung
Published by John Hilmer
Western Canada

Hilmer, John (1996). Ein deutsches Schicksal in Kanada. Einwanderung – Internierung – Ringen um Rehabilitierung. Toronto : German-Canadian Histor. Assoc.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Erna’s medley
Ruby Paull
Western Canada

Paull, R. (1998). Erna’s medley. Edmonton: Brightest Pebble.


German-Russian immigrant who went to Alberta in 1939.


LINKS: UBC Library



Escape from Canada: the untold story of German POWs in Canada, 1939-1945
John Melady
Western Canada

Melady, J. (1981). Escape from Canada. The untold story of German POWs in Canada, 1939-1945. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada.


Includes the daily schedule of the Prisoner of War camp in Medicine Head, Alberta.


LINKS: UBC Library



Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein, 1849-1977
Bernard D. Klippenstein
Western Canada

Klippenstein, Bernard D. (1978). Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein, 1849-1977. Winnipeg, Man. : Klippenstein.


Heinrich Klippenstein (1849-1929), was born in Bergthal, in South Russia. In 1870, he married Sarah Friesen, settled in East Reserve (Manitoba), and then moved in 1891 to Alt-Bergthal in West Reserve (Manitoba).


LINKS: Worldcat



German settlements in Saskatchewan : the origin and development of German Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Mennonite and Hutterite communities
Alan B. Anderson

Anderson, Alan B. (1990). German settlements in Saskatchewan : the origin and development of German Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Mennonite and Hutterite communities. Saskatoon : Saskatchewan German Council.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



German-Canadian spectrum of Manitoba, 1670-1914 : a working paper prepared as an extract for the German-Canadian Cultural Association of Manitoba, Winnipeg (MB), Canada, December 1993
Dieter Roger

Roger, Dieter (1993). German-Canadian spectrum of Manitoba, 1670-1914. A working paper prepared as an extract for the German-Canadian Cultural Association of Manitoba, Winnipeg (MB), Canada, December 1993. Winnipeg : Wolf Verlag.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



Germans from Russia in Alberta : reminiscences
Edited by Tova Yedlin

Yedlin, T., & Central and East European Studies Society of Alberta. (1984). Germans from Russia in Alberta: Reminiscences. Edmonton, Alta: Central and East European Studies Society of Alberta.


Mostyl from the Volhynia region in Russia: 28 German-Russians Mennonites describe their autobiographical journey to Canada.


LINKS: UBC Library



Germans on Canada’s Pacific slopes : a brief survey of German discovery, settlement and culture in British Columbia, 1778 to the present
Peter G. Liddell
British Columbia

Liddell, Peter G. (1988). Germans on Canada’s Pacific slopes : a brief survey of German discovery, settlement and culture in British Columbia, 1778 to the present. Vancouver : publisher not identified.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



Just for nice : German-Canadian folk art
Magnús Einarsson, Helga Benndorf Taylor & Canadian Museum of Civilization
Western Canada

Einarsson, M., & Taylor, H. B. (1993). Just for nice: German-Canadian folk art. ()


“The German-Canadian community, among the oldest cultural communities in Canada (over 300 years old), has produced a wealth of folk art, both traditional and popular. Shown here are works by a broad spectrum of folk artists, including a number of contemporary artists. Selected from the collections of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, an eclectic range of objects, from furniture and garments to paintings and musical instruments, illustrates the geographical spread and regional variations as well as the skill and humor of these artists. In addition, distinguished experts in art and culture offer fascinating perspectives on the style and development of the folk art of German-Canadians.”

p.20 – For the eyes of god alone: The meaning of the Hutterian Brethren aesthetic
p.23 – Approaches to word and image in German-Canadian folk art
p.25 – “Look what these hands have done!” Meaning in German-Canadian folk art
p.28 – Diversity and flux in Manitoba Mennonite material culture
p.35 – Motif and message in German-Canadian folk art
p.40 – Furniture and Furnishings
p.58 – Personal effects (handkerchiefs, clothing and accessories, etc.)
p.65 – Tools and equipment
p.71 – Play and leisure items
p.76 – Traditional decorative arts
p.87 – Contemporary folk and artists


LINKS: Worldcat



Just for you
Joe H. Schulte
British Columbia

Schulte, J. H. (1988). Just for you (1st ed.). Campbell River, B.C: Joe H. Schulte.


Author immigrated to Black Creek, BC after the Second World War.


LINKS: UBC Library



Language maintenance and assimilation: the case of selected German-speaking immigrants in Vancouver, Canada
Beatrice Stadler
British Columbia

Stadler, B., & Canadian Association of University Teachers of German. (1983). Language maintenance and assimilation: The case of selected German-speaking immigrants in Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver: Cautg.



LINKS: UBC Library



Living with conviction : German army captain turns to cultivating peace
Siegfried Bartel
Western Canada

Bartel, S. (1994). Living with conviction: German army captain turns to cultivating peace. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications.


The author lived in BC but also in Manitoba (applicable to German-Canadian experiences in Winnipeg).


LINKS: UBC Library



Lizzie Rummel: Baroness of the Canadian Rockies
Ruth Oltmann
Western Canada

Oltmann, R. (1983). Lizzie Rummel: Baroness of the Canadian Rockies. Exshaw, Alta: Ribbon Creek Pub. Co.


“Elizabet von Rummel, the daughter of Baron von Rummel, was born into the German aristocracy in 1897. During World War I, the family’s wealth disappeared.However, Elizabet’s mother had purchased property in the ranching country southwest of Calgary and she had spent the summer of 1911 in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. When war came Lizzie found herself living on the ranch. Each summer from 1920 until 1932 summer holidays were enjoyed riding though the Kananaskis, Sheep and Highwood areas.”

Lizzie operated Sunburst Lodge in the Mount Assiniboine area from 1951 until 1970. See also Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies Archives for the Lizzie Rummel Collection (includes textual records, photographs and two sounds recordings). http://archives.whyte.org/archives.htm


LINKS: UBC Library



Mein Leben in Kanada : eine deutsche Auswanderin erinnert sich
Greta Kadereit
Western Canada

Kadereit, Greta (1996). Mein Leben in Kanada. Eine deutsche Auswanderin erinnert sich. Berlin : Frieling.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Mennonite Low-German dictionary = Mennonitisches Wörterbuch
Jack Thiessen
Western Canada

Thiessen, Jack (1977). Mennonite Low-German dictionary = Mennonitisches Wörterbuch. Marburg : Elwert.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Mit den Wölfen heulen : Deutsche Einwanderer in Kanada erzählen
Bernd W. Baumgartel
Western Canada

Baumgartel, Bernd W. (1999). Mit den Wölfen heulen. Deutsche Einwanderer in Kanada erzählen. Herdecke [Germany] : Scheffler.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



Mountains removed
Annie Klassen
Western Canada

Klassen, Annie (1976). Mountains removed. s.n.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Music from within : a biography of the composer S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté
Ferdinand Eckhardt
Western Canada

Eckhardt, F., & Bowler, G. (1985). Music from within: A biography of the composer S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.


Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté was a Russian-born Canadian composer and virtuoso pianist and violinist. She lived for several years in Berlin and later Vienna from when she was 17 years old until 1953.


LINKS: UBC Library



My Valley the Kananaskis
Ruth Oltmann
Western Canada

Oltmann, R. (1997). My valley: The Kananaskis. Calgary;Lancaster;: Rocky Mountain Books.


Please see Chapter 4: War comes to the valley – Prisoner of war camps.


LINKS: UBC Library



Opfer des Friedens : die Sudetensiedlungen in Kanada
Willi Wanka
Western Canada

Wanka, W. (1988). Opfer des Friedens: Die Sudetensiedlungen in Kanada. München: Langen Müller.


Personal experience of Sudeten-German immigrants from Tupper, BC.


LINKS: UBC Library



Otto Mueller : a life between Stalin and Hitler : new beginning in Canada
Yvonne Schmidhauser
Western Canada

Schmidhauser, Y., Phillips, R., & Muermann, F. J. (2004). Otto Mueller: A life between Stalin and Hitler : New beginning in Canada (3rd ed.). Nanaimo, BC: Loonbook by Island Art Creations.


The story of Otto Mueller (Russian-German) born 1921 in the Ukraine and emigrated to Canada later in his life. He lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Victoria, BC.


LINKS: UBC Library



Park prisoners : the untold story of Western Canada’s national parks, 1915-1946
W. A. Waiser
Western Canada

Waiser, W. A. (1995). Park prisoners: The untold story of western Canada’s national parks, 1915-1946. Saskatoon: Fifth House Publishers.


Please see Chapter 6: Nazis. A German Prisoner of War camp was located in the Riding Mountain National Park near of Winnipeg, Manitoba.


LINKS: UBC Library



Reinland : an experience in community
Peter D. Zacharias
Western Canada

Zacharias, P. D. (1976). Reinland: An experience in community. Winkler?, Man.: Reinland Centennial Committee.


The history of the Mennonite community Rheinland, Manitoba founded in 1875. Including primary sources such as immigration papers, letters, etc.


LINKS: UBC Library



Seasons in the rain : an expatriate’s notes on British Columbia
Silver Donald Cameron
Western Canada

Cameron, S. D. (1978). Seasons in the rain: An expatriate’s notes on British Columbia. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.


P. 148, From Vienna to the Potlatch, with love: A portrait of Ida Halpern. Austrian born ethnomusicologist immigrated to Vancouver, BC after the annexation of Austria by Germany in the 1930`s, see also http://curious.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/the-ida-halpern-records-and-the-archival-depiction-of-indigenous-culture-and-identity/


LINKS: UBC Library



So wahr ich gelebt und die wunderbare Welt bereist habe : Lebensgeschichte eines Schlesiers
Willy Gerhard Schmidt
Western Canada

Schmidt, Willy Gerhard (1983). So wahr ich gelebt und die wunderbare Welt bereist habe : Lebensgeschichte eines Schlesiers. Toronto? : s.n.



LINKS: Toronto Public Library



Sources at the National Archives for the study of German immigration to Canada
National Archives Canada
Western Canada

Canada. National Archives. (1993). Sources at the national archives for the study of German immigration to Canada. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, Historical Resources Branch.


Holdings of the national archives (letters, maps, photography, audio-visual, RCMP records, governmental department records & correspondence). For example John Kurtenbach papers (MG30, C219): letters to Germany, settled in Leofeld, Saskatchewan or John Grossman (MG30, C87): settled in the Peace River District, BC in 1927.


LINKS: UBC Library



Stories about people of German language background in Victoria, B.C. : as they lived within the framework of Canadian and German history between 1850 and 1985
Elizabeth M. Mayer
British Columbia

Mayer, E. M. (1986). Stories about people of German language background in Victoria, B.C: As they lived within the framework of Canadian and German history between 1850 and 1985. Victoria, B.C: E.M. Mayer.


Collection of Germans who lived in Victoria, BC. Including primary sources excerpts, map of Victoria, BC with German landmarks. See also “German Canadians in B.C.” by E. Mayer (sound recordings of 9 interviews in the Provincial Archives B.C.” and “The venturesome voyages of captain Voss” by John Claus Voss.


LINKS: UBC Library



Sudeten in Saskatchewan : a way to be free
Rita Schilling

Schilling, Rita (1989). Sudeten in Saskatchewan. A way to be free. St. Walburg, Sask. : St. Walburg Sudeten German Club ; Saskatoon : Saskatchewan German Council.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



Thank you, Canada : from Messerschmitt pilot to Canadian citizen
Eckehart J. Priebe
Western Canada

Priebe, E. J. (1990). Thank you, Canada: From Messerschmitt pilot to Canadian citizen. West Vancouver, B.C: Condor Pub.


Author was shot down over London during the Second World War and was a prisoner of war in Canada for 5 years. Immigrated to Canada in the 1950`s and lived mostly in Vancouver, BC but also in Toronto. Editor of the German newspaper “Kanada Kurier”.


LINKS: UBC Library



The Bergthaler Mennonites
Klaas Peters
Western Canada

Peters, K., & Doell, L. (1988). The Bergthaler Mennonites. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications.


Includes scans of original papers (passports, tickets, etc.).


LINKS: UBC Library



The German Canadian Mosaic Today and Yesterday: Identities, Roots and Heritage
Gerhard P. Bassler
Western Canada

Bassler, Gerhard P. (1991). The German Canadian Mosaic Today and Yesterday. Identities, Roots and Heritage. Ottawa : German-Canadian Congress.



LINKS: Simon Fraser University Library



The German Canadians 1750-1937 : immigration, settlement & culture
Heinz Lehmann
Western Canada

Lehmann, H., Bassler (1986). The German Canadians, 1750-1937: Immigration, settlement & culture. St. John’s, Nfld: Jesperson Press.


Chapter I: German Migrations to the Territory of Present-Day Canada Prior to Confederation
Chapter II: Pioneers and Colonizers in the Maritimes, Quebec and Eastern Ontario
Chapter III: Little Germanies in Nineteenth-Century Southwestern Ontario
Chapter IV: From the Russian Steppes to the Prairie Frontier / etc.


LINKS: UBC Library



The Germans in Canada
Kenneth McLaughlin
Western Canada

McLaughlin, K., & Canadian Historical Association. (1985). The Germans in Canada. Ottawa: Published by the Canadian Historical Association with the support of the Multiculturalism Program, Government of Canada.



LINKS: UBC Library



The last house on Main Street
Gertrude Story
Western Canada

Story, G. (1988). The last house on main street. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press.


The book is the author’s personal reminiscences and reflections on the village on Vanscoy, SK. The author was born in Saskatchewan in 1929. Gertrude E. Story (born Wudrick) was one of Saskatchewan’s known storytellers and writers. Her early years growing up in a German Lutheran farming environment formed the background to much of her writing. Please see bio at http://library.usask.ca/archives/exhibitions-digital/exhibitions/gertrude-story-1926-2014.php


LINKS: UBC Library



The Old world and the new : literary perspectives of German-speaking Canadians
Walter Riedel
Western Canada

Riedel, W. (1984). The old world and the new. Literary perspectives of German-speaking Canadians. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Essays on German immigrants in Canada.


LINKS: UBC Library



The role of German Canadian settlers in Canada – past and present
Edward R. Schreyer
Western Canada

Schreyer, Edward R. (1990). The role of German Canadian settlers in Canada – past and present. Saskatchewan German Council.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



The Sociology of Canadian Mennonites, Hutterites and Amish: A Bibliography with Annotations
Donovan Smucker
Western Canada

Smucker, D. (1977). The sociology of Canadian Mennonites, Hutterites and Amish: A bibliography with annotations. Toronto; Waterloo;: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.



LINKS: UBC Library



The Trans-Canada Alliance of German Canadians : a study in culture
Fritz Wieden
Western Canada

Wieden, F. (1985). The Trans-Canada alliance of German Canadians. A study in culture. Windsor, Ont: Tolle Lege Enterprises.



LINKS: UBC Library



The Windmill Turning: Nursery Rhymes, Maxims, and Other Expressions of Western Canadian Mennonites
Victor Carl Friesen
Western Canada

Friesen, V. C. (1988). The windmill turning: Nursery rhymes, maxims, and other expressions of western Canadian Mennonites. Edmonton, Alta., Canada: University of Alberta Press.


History of the Mennonite language (Low German). Also, the publication includes folk song lyrics in Low German.


LINKS: UBC Library



The world was always fascinating : Glimpses from the life of a German teacher in the 20th century

Elizabeth M. Mayer
Western Canada

Mayer, Elizabeth M. (1988). The world was always fascinating. Glimpses from the life of a German teacher in the 20th century. Victoria, British Columbia : [s.n.].



LINKS: University of Victoria Library



Tomslake : history of the Sudeten Germans in Canada
Andrew Amstatter
British Columbia

Amstatter, A. (1978). Tomslake. History of the Sudeten Germans in Canada. Saanichton, B.C: Hancock House.


The author writes about his experiences as one of the settlers who immigrated in the 1930’s from Sudeten-Germany to Northern BC.


LINKS: UBC Library



Unter dem Nordlicht : Anthologie des deutschen Schrifttums der Mennoniten in Canada
George K. Epp
Western Canada

Epp, G. K., & Wiebe, H. (1977). Unter dem Nordlicht: Anthologie des deutschen Schrifttums der Mennoniten in Canada. Winnipeg: Mennonite German Society of Canada.


The publication includes poems and essays written by Mennonite writers, mostly in German. The introduction gives an overview of German-Canadian writers in Canada.


LINKS: UBC Library



Vancouver: A Visual History
Bruce MacDonald
British Columbia

MacDonald, B.(1992). Vancouver: A visual history. Vancouver;Minneapolis;: Talonbooks, Limited.


Please see Chapter 3: Social Maps: Ethnic Heritage. It includes a visualization of the shifts of German neighbourhoods in Vancouver, BC.


LINKS: UBC Library



Where birch trees grow : a history of Baltic-German immigration to Canada after World War II
M. F. Kuester
Western Canada

Kuester, M. F. (1979). Where birch trees grow. A history of Baltic-German immigration to Canada after World War II. Edmonton : Canadian Baltic Immigrant Aid Society.



LINKS: University of Winnipeg Library



With my heart half-aglow : impressions and discourses in a German-Canadian context
Hans W. Panthel
Western Canada

Panthel, H. W. (1991). With my heart half-aglow : impressions and discourses in a German-Canadian context. Bochum : Universitätsverlag N. Brockmeyer.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library


A chosen path : from Moccasin Flats to Parliament Hill
Frank Oberle
Western Canada

Oberle, F. (2005;2000;). A chosen path: From moccasin flats to parliament hill (1st ed.). Surrey, B.C: Heritage House.


In the first volume of Frank Oberle’s autobiography, “Finding Home”, the author recounted his youth in Nazi-run Germany and his post-war immigration to Canada. After working for a year and a half—as a baker, logger and miner, he earned enough to bring his future wife, Joan, from Germany to Canada. They eventually settled in Chetwynd, BC, where he began his political life as a village councilor and later became mayor.

In this publication “A Chosen Path”, the author recounts his time as being a member of the parliament for Prince George-Peace River and later Minister of State for Science and Technology and Minister of Forestry.





A history of Alberta’s German-speaking communities V.1-V.3
Manfred Prokop

Prokop, M. (2007). A history of Alberta’s German-speaking communities. Okotoks: M. Prokop.


Volume 1: From the 1880’s to the present
Volume 2: Profiles of German-Albertans, 1953 to the present
Volume 3: History of the teaching of German in Alberta, [from the turn of the 20th century to the present]





A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939
Jonathan Wagner
Western Canada

Wagner, J. F. (2006;2005;2004;2014;). A history of migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939. Vancouver: UBC Press.


Human migration figures prominently in modern world history, and has played a pivotal role in shaping the Canadian national state. Yet while much has been written about Canada’s multicultural heritage, little attention has been paid to German migrants although they compose Canada’s third largest European ethnic minority.

1. Migration 1850’s & 1860’s,
2. Migration 1870-1890,
3. Migration 1890-1914,
4. Interwar Migration 1919-1939





Ausgewandert – von der badischen Backstube zum Minister in Kanada : [eine Auswanderergeschichte
Frank Oberle
Western Canada

Oberle, Frank (2010). Ausgewandert – von der badischen Backstube zum Minister in Kanada. Rheine : Heimdall.


1932 in Forchheim bei Karlsruhe geboren, erlebt der Autor Frank Oberle das Elend des Krieges hautnah mit – als 13 jähriger schlägt er sich mit einem Freund zusammen zu Fuß von Polen ins heimatliche Forchheim durch. Es gelingt ihm, den immer näher kommenden russischen Truppen und dem Inferno von Dresden knapp zu entgehen. Im Jahr 1951 entschließt sich Frank Oberle, Deutschland zu verlassen und in Kanada sein Glück zu versuchen. Er arbeitet als Tellerwäscher, Holzfäller, Goldgräber und Unternehmer, bis er schließlich als Minister für Wissenschaft und Technologie und später für Forstwirtschaft unter Brian Mulronys Regierung arbeitet.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek UBC



Before we were the land’s : Yarrow, British Columbia : Mennonite promise
Leonard N. Neufeldt
British Columbia

Neufeldt, L., Sawatsky, L. J., & Martens, R. (2002). Before we were the land’s: Yarrow, British Columbia : Mennonite promise. Victoria, B.C: TouchWood Editions.


Memories by Russian-German settlers in Yarrow, BC.





Bewegtes Exil : Erinnerungen an eine ungewisse Zukunft
Hans Reichenfeld
British Columbia

Reichenfeld, Hans (2009). Bewegtes Exil. Erinnerungen an eine ungewisse Zukunft. Wien : Theodor-Kramer-Ges.


Das Buch ist das Produkt einer Freundschaft zwischen einem österreichischen Autor und einem Exilierten. Hans F. Reichenfeld, geb. 1923 in eine jüdische Familie in Wien, wo er 1933-38 das Akademische Gymnasium besuchte, flüchtete im August 1938 nach Großbritannien. Im Mai 1940 als Enemy alien auf der Isle of Man interniert, wurde er nach Kanada deportiert, durfte aber 1941 nach Großbritannien zurückkehren. Aktivist von Young Austria, meldete er sich 1944 freiwillig zur Royal Air Force. 1947-52 studierte er Medizin in London und praktizierte als Allgemeinmediziner in Birmingham. 1966 übersiedelte er mit seiner Familie nach Kanada. 1972 schloß er die psychiatrische Fachausbildung in Ottawa ab, wo er bis heute als Psychiater und Universitätslehrer lebt. Sein Spezialgebiet ist die geriatrische Psychiatrie.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Brew North: How Canadians Made Beer and Beer Made Canada
Ian Coutts
British Columbia

Coutts, I. (2010;2012;2014;). Brew north: How Canadians made beer and beer made Canada. Vancouver;Jackson;: Greystone Books [Imprint].


The Ale-Lager spit: a story of German immigrants shaping the beer preferences in Western Canada with their breweries in the 1880’s.





Building the west : the early architects of British Columbia
Donald Luxton
British Columbia

Luxton, D. (2007;2000;). Building the west: The early architects of British Columbia, revised edition (Revis ed.) Talonbooks.


p. 446-447 Hanns Carl Berchtenbreiter (German immigrant from Munich)
p. 402 Emanuel Joeseph Bresemann (Born in Everett, Washington to German immigrants)
p.416-417 Theodor Frederick Koerner (Born in England to German parents)
p.244-245 Emile Guenther (German born architect)
p.41-43 Hermann Otto Tiedeman (born in Germany, architect in Victoria)





Canada, unsere Wahlheimat : ein halbes Leben im fremden Land
Paul Haeberlein
British Columbia

Haeberlein, Paul (2001). Canada, unsere Wahlheimat. Ein halbes Leben im fremden Land. Egelsbach ; Frankfurt a.M. ; München ; New York : Fouqué-Literaturverl.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Der Rucksackroman
Hermann Boeschenstein
Western Canada

Boeschenstein, H. (2004). Der Rucksackroman. Bern: P. Lang.


Hermann Böschenstein, am 1. Mai 1900 in Stein am Rhein in der Schweiz geboren, doktorierte 1924 in Rostock. Zwei Jahre später wanderte er nach Kanada aus, wo er sich vom Tellerwäscher zum Professor an der University of Toronto emporarbeitete.

Böschenstein versucht in seinem vierten und letzten Roman, den er kurz vor seinem Tod beendete, die Summe aus seinem Leben als Kanada-Schweizer, als akademischer Lehrer und als Dichter zu ziehen: Seine Auswanderung nach Kanada wird zum Schritt Gustav Baumanns auf dem Weg zur Humanität.





DKSB 1958-2008 : Fünfzig Jahre : Deutsch-Kanadischer Sängerbund
Hans Foerstel
Western Canada

Foerstel, H. (2009). DKSB 1958-2008 : Fünfzig Jahre : Deutsch-Kanadischer Sängerbund = Fifty years : German-Canadian Choir Association. [Canada] : German-Canadian Choir Association = Deutsch-Kanadischer Sängerbund, c2009.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Ein Privileg für wenige : die deutschsprachige Migration nach Kanada im Schatten des Nationalsozialismus

Annette Puckhaber
Western Canada

Puckhaber, A. (2002). Ein privileg für wenige: Die deutschsprachige Migration nach Kanada im Schatten des Nationalsozialismus. Münster: Lit.


Zwischen 1933 und 1945 gab eskein Recht auf Asyl. Der entscheidende Faktor einer erfolgreichen Flucht vor den Nazis war, ein Aufnahmeland zu finden. Obwohl Kanada auf eine lange Einwanderungsgeschichte zurueckblicken konnte, waren die kanadischen Einwanderungstore gegenueber Fluechtlingen weitgehend geschlossen. Die wenigen deutschsprachigen Fluechtlinge, etwa 1000 Sozialdemokraten aus dem Sudetenland und die 1940 aus Grossbritannien deportierten Fluechtlinge. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaeftigt sich damit, unter welchen Bedingungen sie nach Kanada kamen – einem Land, das die Einwanderung als Privilieg verstand.

Primary sources:
3.1 Der Fall Anna Feldmann (p. 107): Sudeten-German who escaped to Tupper, BC and lived afterwards in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
4.1 Der Fall Herbert Lange (p. 173): Jewish-German lived in Duesseldorf and was a Prisoner of War before he became a Canadian citizen. he also lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba.”





Fluid exile : Jewish exile writers in Canada 1940-2006

Eugen Banauch
Western Canada

Banauch, E. (2009). Fluid exile: Jewish exile writers in Canada 1940-2006. Heidelberg: Winter.


Investigation of the literary and cultural production of the Jewish Canadian writers Henry Kreisel, Eric Koch, Carl Weiselberger, and Charles Wassermann, who all came to Canada from Austria and Germany as internees in the 1940`s and stayed on after 1945. Kreisel went to Edmonton; Weiselberger went to Victoria after his retirement; (see Carl Weiselberger fonds at Uvic Archives).





Folk Furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians
John Fleming, Michael Rowan & James Chambers
Western Canada

Fleming, J., Rowan, Michael & Chambers, James (2004). Folk furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians. University of Alberta Press.


With over 100 colour photographs, Folk Furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians offers a stunning visual record of the culture and values of these four ethno-cultural groups. Authors John Fleming and Michael Rowan take an interpretive approach to the importance of folk furniture and its intimate ties to people’s values and beliefs. Photographer James Chambers beautifully captures both representative and exceptional artifacts, from large furniture items such as storage chests, benches, cradles, and tables, to small kitchen items including spoons, breadboxes, and cookie cutters.





Fred Herzog–photographs / curated by Stephen Waddell, Felix Hoffmann for C/O Berlin
Fred Herzog
British Columbia

Fleming, J., Rowan, Michael & Chambers, James (2004). Folk furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians. University of Alberta Press.


Life may be colorful, but black-and-white photography is more realistic-or so it was said. For many years, color photography was considered an inferior and not particularly valuable medium. Classic black-and-white photography was undisputed in the art world, but artistic color photography was supposedly banal and amateurish, a commercial medium for dilettantes. Fred Herzog began to revolutionize established viewing habits and existing orthodoxies in the early fifties. As a pioneer of color photography, he developed a profound visual sensibility for the ostensibly inconsequential. His subject matter includes Vancouver streets, supermarkets, gas stations, bars, urban and natural landscapes, and people in their environments, visualizing the highs and lows of the (North) American dream.





Fünfzig Jahre Kanada : vom Kraut zum Kanacker
Herb Duerr
Western Canada

Duerr, Herb (2008). Fünfzig Jahre Kanada. Vom Kraut zum Kanacker. Norderstedt : Books on Demand GmbH.


In “Fünfzig Jahre Kanada” beginnt Herb Duerr mit seiner oft gefahrvollen Kinderzeit im Deutschland der Nazis. Sein erlebnisreicher Daseinskampf, aus Überzeugung und mit Verpflichtung Kanadier zu werden, begann als nicht mehr ganz Jugendlicher in seiner Wahlheimat. In unterhaltsamer Lektüre schildert er seine Erfahrungen in der Neuen Welt und seine Fortschritte in einer fremdartigen Umgebung.
Auch diese Ausgabe enthält seine eingehend erforschten und oft umstrittenen Ansichten über die historische, kulturelle und soziale Evolution des kanadischen Milieus, wie er es erlebte.
Mit delikaten persönlichen Erlebnissen, und äußerst kritischen Betrachtungen unserer modernen und postmodernen Existenz, bezeugt er seine kanadische Perspektive


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



German Diasporic Experiences: Identity, Migration, and Loss
Mathias Schulze
Western Canada

Schulze, M. (2008). German diasporic experiences. Identity, migration, and loss. Waterloo ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


Chapter 7: Canadian German: Identity in Language (with interview excerpts)
Chapter 17: The Diasporic Moment: Elise von Koerber, Dr. Otto Hahn, and the Attempt to Create a German Diaspora in Canada
Chapter 20: Associating or Quarrelling? Migration, Acculturation, and Transmission among Social-democratic Sudeten Germans in Canada
Chapter 21: Sudeten German Refugees in Canada and the Forced Migration of Germans in Postwar Central and Eastern Europe
Chapter 25: German Diaspora Experiences in British Columbia after 1945
Chapter 39: Use It or Lose It? Language Use, Language Attitudes, and Language Proficiency among German Speakers in Vancouver





German language maintenance across Canada : a handbook
Manfred Prokop & Gerhard P. Bassler
Western Canada

Prokop, M., & Bassler, G. P. (2004). German language maintenance across Canada: A handbook. Sherwood Park, Alta: M. Prokop.






Imagined homes : Soviet German immigrants in two cities
Hans Werner
Western Canada

Werner, H. (2007). Imagined homes: Soviet German immigrants in two cities. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.


Imagined Homes: Soviet German Immigrants in Two Cities is a study of the social and cultural integration of two migrations of German speakers from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to Winnipeg, Canada in the late 1940s, and Bielefeld, Germany in the 1970s. Employing a cross-national comparative framework, Hans Werner reveals that the imagined trajectory of immigrant lives influenced the process of integration into a new urban environment. Winnipeg’s migrants chose a receiving society where they knew they would again be a minority group in a foreign country, while Bielefeld’s newcomers believed they were “going home” and were unprepared for the conflict between their imagined homeland and the realities of post-war Germany. Werner also shows that differences in the way the two receiving societies perceived immigrants, and the degree to which secularization and the sexual and media revolutions influenced these perceptions in the two cities, were crucially important in the immigrant experience.

Chapter 4: Self-Reliance in Winnipeg. Examples of German immigrants coming to Manitoba (including immigration process, finding work, interview excerpts, etc.).





Immigrants : stories of Vancouver’s people : a history of those who came to Vancouver (and to British Columbia, before there was a Vancouver) from the 1850’s to the present day
Lisa Smedman
British Columbia

Smedman, L., & Vancouver Courier. (2009). Immigrants: Stories of Vancouver’s people : A history of those who came to Vancouver (and to British Columbia, before there was a Vancouver) from the 1850’s to the present day. Vancouver: Vancouver Courier.


Chapter 13: From the Fatherland (the chapter is about German immigrants living in Vancouver).





Immigration and Settlement, 1870-1939: History of the Prairie West Series, Volume 2
Gregory P. Marchildon
Western Canada

Marchildon, G. P. (2009). Immigration and settlement, 1870-1939: History of the prairie west series, volume 2 Canadian Plains Research Centre.


Please see “Immigration and return migration of German nationals, Saskatchewan 1919 to 1939” by Grant W. Grams.
This essay examines the migration of German nationals to Saskatchewan between 1919 and 1939. Immigration statistics will also be used to show the numerical fluctuations in the province.





Mamma, mother of ten : a family portrait featuring Margareta Ens Wiebe and her family of ten in stories, letters, diaries, poetry, prayers, photography and songs
Menno Wiebe
Western Canada

Wiebe, M. (2008). Mamma, mother of ten : a family portrait featuring Margareta Ens Wiebe and her family of ten in stories, letters, diaries, poetry, prayers, photography and songs.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Mein neues Leben – Nordamerika Edition : Die Edition zum Auswandern nach Amerika und Kanada, in zwei Bänden
Julia Krausen & Annette Scheepers
Western Canada

Krausen, Julia & Scheepers, Annette (2010). Mein neues Leben. Nordamerika Edition. Die Edition zum Auswandern nach Amerika und Kanada, in zwei Bänden. Haan, Rheinl : Verlag Rat & Reise.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Mennonite Women in Canada: A History
Marlene Epp
Western Canada

Epp, M. (2004). Mennonite women in Canada: A history. East Lansing;Winnipeg;: University of Manitoba Press.


Mennonite Women in Canada traces the complex social history and multiple identities of Canadian Mennonite women over 200 years. Marlene Epp explores women’s roles, as prescribed and as lived, within the contexts of immigration and settlement, household and family, church and organizational life, work and education, and in response to social trends and events. The combined histories of Mennonite women offer a rich and fascinating study of how women actively participate in ordering their lives within ethno-religious communities.





On the way! : the military history of Lethbridge, Alberta (1914-1945) and the untold story of Ottawa’s plan to de-nazify and democratise German prisoners of war held in Lethbridge and Canada during the Second World War
Christopher R. Kilford

Kilford, Christopher R. (2004). On the way! The military history of Lethbridge, Alberta (1914-1945) and the untold story of Ottawa’s plan to de-nazify and democratise German prisoners of war held in Lethbridge and Canada during the Second World War. Victoria, B.C. : Trafford.


On the home front, Lethbridge became “a mini-boomtown,” as a base for the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and housing the largest prisoner of war camp in Canada. The author devotes a chapter to the camp and its “re-education” efforts, and another to the famous murder of a German by fellow prisoners at Medicine Hat.


LINKS: Greater Victoria Public Library



One small lifetime
Ernest Albert Thuerkauf

Thürkauf, Ernest Albert (2002). One small lifetime. Picton Press.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Refractions of Germany in Canadian literature and culture
Heinz Antor
Western Canada

Antor, H. (2003). Refractions of Germany in Canadian literature and culture. New York;Berlin;: Walter de Gruyter.


“Voices From the Borderlands: The Problem of “Home” in the Oral Histories of German Expellees in Canada” by Sylvia Brown
“Germany and Zionism in the Works of A. M. Klein” by Axel Stahler
“Dividing and Reuniting Grandmothers, Mothers and Daughters: The Black Motherline, Vergangenheitsbewaltigung Studies, and the Road Genre in Suzette Mayr’s The Widows” by Doris Wolf

The publication includes excerpts of German-Canadian diaries.





Sogar in Kanada lebt der Blues der Germanen
Wolfgang Schorat
Western Canada

Schorat, Wolfgang (2010). Sogar in Kanada lebt der Blues der Germanen. Bad Zwesten : TonStrom-Verl.


“Schroeder`s German family settles on a small Fraser Valley farm in British Columbia and proceeds to try making sense of “The English who surround them”.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Stalter stories from Z to A : the Stalter family in Zweibrücken, Germany; Illinois; Alberta
Donald D. Kauffman

Kauffman, D. D. (2008). Stalter stories from Z to A : the Stalter family in Zweibrücken, Germany; Illinois; Alberta. Edmonton : OneFore Pub. Co.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Stories of Swiss Settlement in the Bulkley Valley From 1910-1960
Louis Schibli
British Columbia

Schibli, Louis (2008). Stories of Swiss Settlement in the Bulkley Valley From 1910-1960. Smithers, BC : Bulkley Valley Historical & Museum Society.


Statistics and history of the valley; ca. 45 immigrant stories of Swiss immigrants who came to the Bulkely Valley; incl. photographs.


LINKS: Vancouver Public Library



The landscape of my life : a living history
Erna Rudolph
British Columbia

Rudolph, E. (2004). The landscape of my life: A living history. Garibaldi Highlands, B.C: Harmony House Ventures.


Author immigrated to Vancouver, BC after the Second World War with her husband and two children.





The mystery of Frankenberg’s Canadian airman
Peter Hessel
Western Canada

Hessel, P. (2005). The mystery of Frankenberg’s Canadian airman. Havertown; Toronto;: James Lorimer & Company Limited., Publishers.


Peter Hessel grew up in Nazi Germany. He was a member of the junior branch of the Hitler Youth movement – known as the Jungvolk. After the war, he emigrated from Germany to Canada and worked as a translator for the Government of Canada, as well as becoming a writer of Canadian and immigrant history. In the course of writing his memoirs of his experiences in Nazi Germany, he uncovered a tantalizing story – the tale of an unknown Canadian airman murdered after a massive bomber raid.





The Odyssey of Willi W. : Genesis of Canada’s Sudeten Settlement Tomslake
Rudolf Pueschel
British Columbia

Pueschel, Rudolf (2009). The Odyssey of Willi W. Genesis of Canada’s Sudeten Settlement Tomslake. Mountain View. Ca. : Ready For Print Publication Post.



LINKS: Fort Nelson Public Library



The story of Dunbar : voices of a Vancouver neighbourhood
Peggy Schofield
British Columbia

Schofield, P. (2007). The story of Dunbar. Voices of a Vancouver Neighbourhood. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press.


Small section on German immigrant Alvo von Alvensleben (p. 59).





To a brighter future : the Pankow family story
Ursula Delfs
Western Canada

Delfs, Ursula (2005). To a brighter future. The Pankow family story. Trafford.


“To A Brighter Future” is the story of one family’s dream and prayer to make a better life for their children. It tells of the growing-up years in a relatively affluent Germany, which quickly changed during the great inflation of the early twenties, then fell into ruin after World War ll. This book chronicles the immigration of two young people to Canada in 1928 and follows their struggles.


LINKS: University of Alberta Libraries


Auswandern nach Kanada – nicht leicht gemacht: vom LKW-Fahrer in Deutschland zum Truckdriver in Kanada
Holger Menzel
Western Canada

Menzel, Holger (2015). Auswandern nach Kanada – nicht leicht gemacht. Vom LKW-Fahrer in Deutschland zum Truckdriver in Kanada. Saarbrücken : Verlag Lebensreise.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Beyond the nation? : immigrants’ local lives in transnational cultures
Alexander Freund
British Columbia

Freund, A. (2012). Beyond the nation?: Immigrants’ local lives in transnational cultures. Buffalo;Toronto;: University of Toronto Press.


“Beyond the Nation?” explores the lives of German-Canadian immigrants between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries — from the Moravian missionaries who came to Labrador in the 1770s to the German refugees who arrived in Canada after the Second World War. Internationally renowned historians of migration — including Dirk Hoerder and the late Christiane Harzig — detail these German-Canadians’ experiences of immigration by investigating their imagined communities and collective memories.

Chapter 2: Gender in German-Canadian Studies: Challenges from across the Borders by Christiane Harzig
Chapter 5: Germania in Canada – Nation and Ethnicity at the German Peace Jubilees of 1871 by Barbara Lorenzkowski
Chapter 6. Weak Woman Standing Alone: Home, Nation, and Gender in the Work of German-Canadian Immigration Agent Elise von Koerber, 1872-84 by Angelika Sauer
Chapter 10. Germans into Europeans: Expellees in Postwar Canada by Pascal Maeder
Chapter 12. Reimagining German-Canadians: Reflections on Past Deconstructions and Literary Evidence by Myka Burke





Bindestrich-Kanadier? : sudetendeutsche Sozialdemokraten und deutsche Juden als Exilanten in Kanada ; Studie zu Akkulturationsprozessen nach 1933 auf der Grundlage ihrer Selbstzeugnisse und Presse
Patrick Farges
Western Canada

Farges, Patrick (2015). Bindestrich-Kanadier? Sudetendeutsche Sozialdemokraten und deutsche Juden als Exilanten in Kanada. Studie zu Akkulturationsprozessen nach 1933 auf der Grundlage ihrer Selbstzeugnisse und Presse. Bremen : Ed. Lumière.


Dieses Buch ist der Geschichte des deutschsprachigen Exils in Kanada ge­wid­met. Verbindet man Kanada heute mit Multikulturalismus und “eth­ni­scher Vielfalt”, so war die kanadische Einwanderungspolitik der 1930er Jah­re äußerst restriktiv, ja, man kann sogar sagen: sozialökonomisch und rassistisch motiviert. Kanada leistete mit der Aufnahme von ca. 6 000 Men­schen einen der international geringsten Beiträge zur Aufnahme von Exilan­ten. Darunter befanden sich eine Gruppe von ca. 1 000 Sozialdemokraten aus dem Sudetenland, die über Großbritannien bzw. Schweden nach Kana­da gelangten, sowie jüdische Refugees aus Deutschland und Österreich. Diese Studie untersucht die langfristigen individuellen Anpassungsprozesse der Exilanten, die in Kanada Aufnahme fanden. Bei ihnen handelte es sich bis auf wenige Ausnahmen um “kleine Leute”, deren Geschichte oft über­sehen wird. Für die Studie wurden geeignete historische Quellen heran­ge­zogen, Mit denen Zeitzeugen aus zwei Kontinenten zu Wort kommen: Auto­biografien und Selbstzeugnisse, Briefe und Zeitungsartikel, Vereins­pro­tokolle und mehr als dreißig vom Autor geführte lebensgeschichtliche Interviews.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Ein Blockhaus in der Einsamkeit : Kanadas Wildnis als Lebensweg ; [Kanada-Auswandern]
Nicole Lischewski
Western Canada

Lischewski, Nicole (2015). Ein Blockhaus in der Einsamkeit. Kanadas Wildnis als Lebensweg. Mettmann : 360°-Medien.


Nicole Lischewski ist 1994 von Deutschland nach Kanada ausgewandert, wo sie unter anderem für die Taku River Tlingit First Nation, im Umweltschutz und an der Restaurierung von Gebäuden aus der Goldrauschzeit gearbeitet hat. 2005 sind sie und ihr Partner Chris dem Ruf der Wildnis in die Wälder nahe der alaskanischen Grenze gefolgt. Dort ist sie seitdem als freie Schriftstellerin und Übersetzerin tätig. Zweimal im Jahr verlässt sie die Einsamkeit und paddelt über die Gletscherseen ins nächste Dorf.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Forging a new Heimat : expellees in post-war West Germany and Canada
Pascal Maeder
Western Canada

Maeder, Pascal (2011). Forging a new Heimat. Expellees in post-war West Germany and Canada. Göttingen : V&R Unipress.


In the aftermath of World War II, twelve million German expellees lost their homes in Central and Eastern Europe. The overwhelming majority came to occupied Germany. However, expellees found themselves also stranded in Western Europe, Africa and the Americas, which is often overlooked by researchers and the public. Going beyond the standard narratives of flight, vigilante evictions and transfers, this book follows expellees in West Germany and Canada and shows, for example, how German prisoners-of-war, exilees or immigrants experienced the expulsions in distant Canada.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Fred Herzog–photographs / [curated by Stephen Waddell, Felix Hoffmann for C/O Berlin ; editor, Felix Hoffmann for C/O Berlin]
Fred Herzog
British Columbia

Herzog, F., & Gochmann, C. (2011). Fred Herzog: Photographs. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.


Photographs by Fred Herzog (German immigrant). The publication includes a biography of Herzog.





Ich seh den Wald vor Bäumen nicht : als Tree Planter in Kanada
Wolf Stein
Western Canada

Stein, Wolf (2014). Ich seh den Wald vor Bäumen nicht. Als Tree Planter in Kanada. Berlin : Pro Business .



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Immigration and integration in North America: Canadian and Austrian perspectives = Immigration und Integration in Nordamerika: kanadische und österreichische Perspektiven
Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Fritz Peter Kirsch (eds.)
Western Canada

Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar & Kirsch, Fritz Peter (Eds.) (2014). Immigration and integration in North America: Canadian and Austrian perspectives. Immigration und Integration in Nordamerika. Kanadische und österreichische Perspektiven. Göttingen : V & R Unipress, Vienna Univ. Press.


The contributions collected in this volume look for aspects of the issue of integration in Canada –while also paying some attention to the situation in the USA and in France – which merit discussion in connection with the pertinent issues in Austria. In accordance with the interdisciplinary nature of this venture, questions are raised which concern the spheres of history, politics, and social reality. The emphasis is on analyses of fiction which allow insights into the psychological stimuli and complexes which play a role in the relationships between long-time residents and newcomers.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Inside the Ark: The Hutterites in Canada and the United States
Yossi Katz & John Lehr
Western Canada

Kats, Y., & Lehr, J. (2012;2000;). Inside the ark: The Hutterites in Canada and the United States. Regina, Sask: Canadian Plains Research Center Press, University of Regina.


Based on extensive fieldwork with the Schmiedeleut branch of the Hutterites, the book includes the Conference Letters and Regulations, published for the first time in English translation, that provide invaluable insights into strategies for managing change.





Letters From A Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933
Conrad Kain
Western Canada

Robinson, Z., Kain, C., Koch, M., Koch, J., Scott, C., Bourdon, D. (2014). Conrad Kain. Letters from a wandering mountain guide, 1906-1933. Detroit; Edmonton;: University of Alberta Press.


Conrad Kain is a titan amongst climbers in Canada and is well-known in mountaineering circles all over the world. His letters to Amelie Malek–a life-long friend–offer a candid view into the deepest thoughts of the Austrian mountain guide, and are a perfect complement to his autobiography, Where the Clouds Can Go. The 144 letters provide a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to Canada in the early part of the twentieth century. Kain’s letters are ordered chronologically with annotations, keeping the sections in English untouched, while those in German have been carefully translated.


LINKS: Vancouver Public Library UBC



Mein Kanada und ich : der Ausstieg und was er bedeutet
Rita Goblitschke
Western Canada

Goblitschke, Rita (2011). Mein Kanada und ich. Der Ausstieg und was er bedeutet. Neckenmarkt : Vindobona-Verl.



LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Mein langer Weg zurück : ein Kanada-Auswandererbericht
Kurt Fischer
Western Canada

Fischer, Kurt (2011). Mein langer Weg zurück. Ein Kanada-Auswandererbericht. Münster : Verl.-Haus Monsenstein und Vannerdat.


The author Kurt Fischer emigrated to Canada in 1957 when he was 19 years old. In his book he describes his experiences living in Canada and returning to Germany 40 years later.


LINKS: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Rewriting the Break Event: Mennonites and Migration in Canadian Literature
Robert Zacharias
Western Canada

Zacharias, R. (2013). Rewriting the break event: Mennonites and migration in Canadian literature. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.


The story of the rise and fall of the Mennonite Commonwealth, along with the subsequent mass migration of over 20,000 Russian Mennonites to Canada. Rewriting the Break Event is a study of this repeated narrative, and of the many stories it tells. The author isolates and examines four strains of emphasis among the many novels that return to this history as a way of negotiating the shifting contours of Mennonite identity in Canada: the theo-pedagogical narrative, the ethnic narrative, the trauma narrative, and the meta-narrative.





Settling Saskatchewan
Alan B. Anderson

Anderson, A. B. (2014). Settling Saskatchewan. University of Regina Press


The publication includes German-Canadian newspaper excerpts and German settlement descriptions which are categorized in religion, place of birth, etc.





Stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats : founding families of Alberta : chronicles of Germans from Galicia, Poland & Volhynia 1885-August 31, 1905 ; Tillers & builders : first families of Alberta : chronicles of Germans from Galicia, Poland & Volhynia September 1, 1905-1915
Compiled by Lorraine (Dreger) Yackulic

Yackulic, L. (2013). Stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats : founding families of Alberta : chronicles of Germans from Galicia, Poland & Volhynia 1885-August 31, 1905 ; Tillers & builders : first families of Alberta : chronicles of Germans from Galicia, Poland & Volhynia September 1, 1905-1915.


History of the German founding families of Alberta from 1885 to 1915, featuring archival photographs, family trees & stories, historical highlights, hearth & home traditions and research references.


LINKS: University of Alberta Library



Step back in time! : an historical travel guide for Albertans of German heritage
Compiled by Lorraine (Dreger) Yackulic

Yackulic, L. (2012). Step back in time! : an historical travel guide for Albertans of German heritage. Edmonton : Capital Colour, c2012.



LINKS: University of Alberta Library



The Albrecht story : a noble beginning
Published by Debbie Pietrzykowski
Western Canada

Mohr, K. A. (2012). The Albrecht story : a noble beginning. St. Albert, AB : Debbie Pietrzykowski, c2012.


“The Albrecht Story…a Noble Beginning” is the story of our Albrecht family’s history from the mid-1700s in Pferdsbach, a small village near what is now Frankfurt, Germany, to their journey to a new home in Russia, then their later immigration in Canada in 1900.


LINKS: University of Alberta Library



The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War
Hans Werner
Western Canada

Werner, H. (2013;2014;). The constructed Mennonite: History, memory, and the second world war. Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba Press.


The publication is about an ethnic German family, who emigrated from Russia to Steinbach, Manitoba after the Second World War. Written by the son, it tells the life story of his parents from their stories told to him while growing up.





Transnational Networks : German Migrants in the British Empire, 1670-1914
John R. Davis, Stefan Manz & Margrit Schulte Beerbühl
Western Canada

Davis, J. R., Manz, S., Schulte Beerbühl, M. (2012). Transnational networks: German migrants in the British empire, 1670-1914 (1st ed.). Boston: Brill.


Please see “Agents of Transnationalism: German-Canadian immigration agents in the second half of the nineteenth century” by Sauer, Angelika.





Voices of British Columbia: Stories from our Frontier
Robert Budd
British Columbia

Budd, R., & Orchard, I. (2010;2014;). Voices of British Columbia: Stories from our frontier. Vancouver: D&M Publishers.


Between 1959 and 1966, the late CBC Radio journalist Imbert Orchard travelled across British Columbia with recording engineer Ian Stephen interviewing nearly a thousand of the province’s pioneers. Please see page 51 “To climb the Rockies: on mountaineering in the new world” by Edward Feuz (Swiss mountaineer).